5 Cycling Skills Every Bike Rider Needs
Here are 5 skills that every bike rider could use.
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Road cycling, and road racing, isn't just about fitness – it's also about your skills. Look at the best pros – especially the sprinters like Mark Cavendish and Peter Sagan – they are all highly skilled athletes and incredible at bike handling.
While you're not going to be wheelie-ing like Sagan straight away, there are some more basic skills that it will help to know:
- Hopping up curbs
- Riding one handed
- The emergency stop
- Slow, tight corners
- Riding out of the saddle
Watch more...
How to improve your bike handling – 5, slightly more advanced, skills to practice: http://gcn.eu/1Rmb8T3
How to set your saddle height: http://gcn.eu/1l7jd26
Music licensed by Cue Songs
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